The Complete Weight Loss solution

$ 37.00

TrimFit is a potent natural fat burner supplement blend designed to burn fat, trim your body, increase energy levels,make you fit and suppress your appetite. TrimFits Thermogenic Agent Matrix helps to send your metabolism into hyperdrive, burn extra calories, and torch body fat.

The Complete Weight Loss solution

If you’ve been trying to lose a lot of weight, or if you’re trying to get rid of that last layer of stubborn fat, you know that burning fat without losing hard-earned lean muscle can feel almost impossible.

Wait, isn’t it just as simple as eating less calories and running more?

Diet and exercise are important. You must follow a diet plan that works with your body if you want long-lasting results.

The problem?

Diet and exercise alone are simply not enough…

unless you’re one of those lucky, genetically-gifted people who can lose weight while eating whatever they want…

Frankly, if getting lean were as simple as cutting calories, there wouldn’t be a whopping 95% failure rate for dieters.

The truth is, to incinerate your body fat fast, and keep it off forever, you must unlock your body’s natural fat-burning abilities.

By unleashing three powerful cascades of lava-like, fat-burning power INSIDE your body

Genix TrimFit weight loss supplement, goes light-years beyond the simple calorie burning that old-style fat burners promised…

TrimFit  severs the chains that hold back your body’s fat-melting powers, and helps your body destroy fat cells on three essential levels:


BAT stands for Brown Adipose Tissue. Brown fat is the Holy Grail of fat-melting power.Most of our body fat is white. It’s unhealthy, useless, and cold.Brown adipose tissue, however, is blazing hot.

In fact, BAT’s entire purpose is thermoregulation.


If you want to slash fat fast, and keep it off, you must increase your metabolic rate.

We’re not talking about simple calorie burning.

Increasing your metabolic rate means you are actually boosting your body’s long-term ability to melt fat for fuel.

Adding more BAT burns fat internally, but GeniX TrimFit’s other all-star thermogenics will stoke your body’s fat-burning furnace, cranking it up, and clamping it on high so you burn fat continually.


WITH GeniX TrimFit, once that body fat is freed, it’s launched into your bloodstream to be incinerated and used as energy.

This means those fat cells are annihilated, and cannot simply resettle in another part of your body.




#CAYENNE PEPPER FRUIT EXTRACT :Could Help Reduce Your Waist-to-Hip Ratio, Increases Metabolic Rate & Energy Expenditure (it helps boost your metabolism while helping you burn more calories during your workouts)Natural Appetite Suppressor (one study showed Capsimax helps reduce your appetite and can even lower your perceived need to snack). 

Ref:(Capsaicinoids supplementation decreases percent body fat and fat mass: adjustment using covariates in a post hoc analysis)Create

#Iodine (from kelp)The natural fiber alginate found in kelp acts as a fat blocker, stopping the absorption of fat in the gut.kelp is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium.Iodine is a trace mineral vital for the operation of the thyroid gland which plays an important part in body development and metabolism. It combines with tyrosine – an amino acid – to create T3 and T4, thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism and other physiological functions throughout the body. As sea kelp is the richest natural source of iodine it can help to regulate metabolism and in turn affect weight loss.

Ref.The effects of Xanthigen in the weight management of obese premenopausal women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and normal liver fat


 The iodine content of kelp also appears to have other benefits. A 2008 study showed that the form of iodine in kelp effectively removed free radicals – chemicals that accelerate ageing – from human blood cells. 


#Chromium (as chromium picolinate): There are people who workout and see little to no results. Your workout regimen may not be the cause. There may be a deeper cause at the cellular level.


One common problem is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to a prediabetic state and eventually type two diabetes. One of the major causes is the lack of chromium in the diet.Chromium is one of the essential nutrients that the body needs. Eating healthy food is good. It is pointless if the body is unable to utilize it for energy. Chromium has a specific job to do with this process.Chromium binds to the glucose transporter and pushes the glucose into the door. If there is no chromium or not enough in the body, the glucose just continues to sit at the door. It floats around the bloodstream waiting to enter. The body will eventually downgrade the receptor.

Ref. Chromium supplementation in overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials


#Guarana : Boost Energy Expenditure During and Post-Workout (burn more calories while you train, and maximize fat burning post-workout) Ramps Up Resting Metabolic Rate (torch more calories even when you’re not working out) Potent Appetite Suppressant (make dieting feel effortless) Faster Fat Oxidation Rate (free up fat stored inside of your cells to be incinerated)Burn More Fat, Longer(one study found that caffeine provides a significant thermogenic effect – that can continue for up to 3-hours)

Ref.An herbal supplement containing Ma Huang-Guarana for weight loss: a randomized, double-blind trial

Link to this:


#Theobromine is “a bitter, volatile compound obtained from cacao seeds.” It increase energy levels and reduce bloating and inflammation — meaning it helps control your appetite, support metabolic health and reduce cravings due to fatigue.Depending on the person and his or her level of sensitivity to its effects, theobromine benefits include acting as a myocardial stimulant and vasodilator. In other words, it can help regulate blood pressure and support healthy circulation by widening blood vessels. 

Ref.Theobromine rich cocoa powder induces weight loss and changes in lipid profile 

Theobromine rich cocoa powder induces weight loss and changes in lipid profile of obese Wistar rats


# Garcinia cambogia Leaf  (50% hydroxycitric acid)”: The peel of the fruit contains high amounts of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is the active ingredient believed to be responsible for most of its weight loss benefits. Studies show that those with 50–60% HCA may provide the most benefit. Some human studies have found that garcinia cambogia suppresses appetite and makes you feel full. garcinia cambogia inhibits an enzyme called citrate lyase, which plays an important role in the production of fat.By inhibiting citrate lyase, garcinia cambogia is thought to slow or block fat production in your body. This may reduce blood fats and lower your risk of weight gain — two major disease risk factors 

Ref.Reduction of adipose tissue and body weight: effect of water soluble calcium hydroxycitrate in Garcinia atroviridis on the short term treatment of obese women in Thailand

#Chitosan (90% deacetylation):Analyses involving all trials indicated that chitosan preparations result in statistically significant greater reduction in body weight (weighted mean difference -1.7 kg; 95% confidence interval -2.1, -1.3 kg, P < 0.00001) compared with placebo.

Ref.Single-blind, placebo controlled randomised clinical study of chitosan for body weight reduction

# Gymnema sylvestre Leaf Powder: Gymnema sylvestre helps you fight sugar cravings and lower high blood sugar levels.

Ref.Evaluation of antiobesity and cardioprotective effect of Gymnema sylvestre extract in murine model

 # Lagerstroemia speciosa (1% extract) : Recent studies have linked banaba leaves with anti-obesity activity, as they may inhibit adipogenesis and lipogenesis — the formation of fat cells and fat molecules, respectively. Also, polyphenols in the leaves, such as pentagalloylglucose (PGG), may prevent fat cell precursors from transforming into mature fat cells. 

Ref.Antiobesity activity of extracts from Lagerstroemia speciosa L. leaves

#Calcium Pyruvate: Calcium pyruvate is said to promote weight loss by boosting fat breakdown in the body. Pyruvate is involved in the metabolic cycle to produce energy in your body, so theoretically it makes sense that taking it as a supplement could increase the amount of energy and fat burn you experience. 

Ref.Body composition, energy utilization, and nitrogen metabolism with a 4.25-MJ/d low-energy diet supplemented with pyruvate


If you’re not blown away by your rapid results, simply email us and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

Zero Risk.

Simply take TrimFit for 30-days and enjoy jaw-dropping fat loss.

TrimFit Will Help You Torch Body Fat – Guaranteed


It’s clear that if you’re ready to finally melt fat easily and have the lean body you’ve always wanted, TrimFit  will help you get there, fast.

TrimFit  attacks your body fat from three essential pathways, and helps blast fat cells from the inside out.


We’re so confident that TrimFit  will help your body fight fat on all three essential levels that we’re offering it to you with a No-Questions-Asked, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

How can we be so sure that TrimFit  will work for you?

Simple – we test, and retest, every batch of TrimFit  from beginning to end. Then, we use a third-party verification system to ensure that each and every dose of TrimFit  meets label claims.

When you arm your body with a team of as powerful as TrimFit , your fat cells won’t stand a chance…